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Southgate House “Restore The Store” Benefit

Posted by on May 17, 2016
If you love live local music then there is no way you should miss the upcoming benefit at the Southgate House Reunion. This is an AMAZING lineup of over 30 acts for only $20/person for 2 days! All proceeds benefit the restoration of our beloved Rabbit Hash General Store! So check out this list of what YOU get, then click the link and get your tickets now!!!


815 Jake Speed & The Freddies

915 Honey & Lauren Houston

1015 Wilder

1115 Almighty Get Down

1215 500 Miles to Memphis


8 Center of The Universe Band

9 Ricky Nye

10 Harlot

11 Lightening Tim Trio

12 Lovecrush 88

1 Mudpies

Revival Room
730 G Miles

830 Lawson Family Reunion

930 Hickory Robot

1030 Rabbit Hash String Band

1130 Part Time Gentlemen

1230 Lagniappe

SUNDAY May 29th


4 Welcome
430 Leroy Ellington

530 Ma Crow & The Lady Slippers

630 Shiny & The Spoon

730 Krystal Petersen & The Queen City Band

830 Magnolia Mountain

930 Kentucky Struts

1030 Buffalo Wabs & The Price Hill Hustly

1130 The Tillers


5 Judge & Jury

6 The Turkeys

7 Moonshine & Wine

8 Anna Mae

9 The Swells

10 Dallas Moore
11 The Modified

12 Andyman Hopkins

1230 Open Mic

Revival Room

515 The Crick Gypsies

615 Hobilly

715 The Less Moore Band with Todd Hepburn

815 Strawboss

* Silent Auction will be in The Revival Room 5-9
 Click the link (or copy and paste in your browser) for tickets: