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Rabbit Hash Historical Society

The Rabbit Hash Historical Society (RHHS) is the trustee and owner of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky. RHHS purchased the historic town of Rabbit Hash through a generous endowment from deceased resident, Edna Flowers in 2002. It is our mission to preserve the history and buildings of Rabbit Hash. In addition: We are the only city in the country with a canine mayor- Mayor Lucy Lou!

The Rabbit Hash Historical Society has been an all-volunteer 501(c)3 organization since 1984.  In that time, the RHHS has done a remarkable job of preserving the historic community of Rabbit Hash.  The central buildings in Rabbit Hash comprise the only local landmark district in Boone County.  Any architectural changes proposed within the district must be approved by the Boone County Historic Preservation Review Board.  However, the RHHS has been a far better steward than the county ordinance.  Over the years, the RHHS has sponsored many projects to protect the town’s resources, including:

  • Purchase (in 2002) the 3.5 acres and 7 principal historic buildings in Rabbit Hash;
  • Raised over $9,200 to fund exterior rehabilitation of the 1870s East Bend Methodist Episcopal Church;
  • Worked with the Coca-Cola Company and Cinergy/CG&E’s East Bend Power Plant to fund repainting of the Coke sign that has stood above the Rabbit Hash General Store since c. 1930;
  • Repaired and installed a new road drainage system and culverts to remedy standing water and drainage problems in the roadway west of the General Store;
  • Undertook a program of general repairs to big barn just down from the General Store.

Visitor Center

Rabbit Hash Museum

Rabbit Hash Visitor Center

The Rabbit Hash Historical Society operates a small visitor center in a restored log cabin.  The visitor center was dedicated in 1992 and is open for several hours most Saturday afternoons and by appointment.  RHHS curates a range of materials relative to Rabbit Hash, including photographs of the General Store and other structures, family photos/files, prehistoric and historic artifacts, documents, books on Ohio River history, and floods.

The Rabbit Hash Historical Society relies exclusively on the support of volunteers.  The RHHS is all volunteer and the visitor center is staffed by a volunteer docent who is available for tours of the  town.  In the past two years alone, tours have been given to the following groups: Cincinnati Museum Center, elder hostel, British travel writers, local women’s clubs, K-8 school groups, and high school classes.




  1. To discover and memorialize the history of the town of Rabbit Hash and the surrounding area in Boone County;
  2. To discover, purchase, commission, or otherwise procure and to publish or otherwise preserve writings, newspapers, journals, and the like which shed light on the history of the region;
  3. To discover, procure, and preserve antiques, artifacts, primitive tools and physical objects that may relate to the history of the region;
  4. To establish and maintain a museum on land leased or owned by the Society;
  5. To publish historical books, pamphlets, and commemorative items to be distributed to the public at a reasonable cost;
  6. To research and mark historical buildings, houses and sites in Rabbit Hash, KY and the surrounding region and to cooperate with state and national preservation organizations; and
  7. To hold regular meetings and other activities for the instruction of the members and for promotion of the purposes of the society.