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It’s Almost Here!

Posted by on December 10, 2014

Our Rabbit Hash: Center of the Universe movie 10 year anniversary party and re-release is this Saturday (December 13) at the Madison Theater in Covington! We are very excited to have The Fatman Ernie Brown (from 97.3 The Wolf) as M.C. and wonderful music provided by local favorites the Tillers and Ma Crow and the Ladyslippers! The folks who made the film will even present to talk about the production process.

Rabbit Hash Historical merchandise (including your very own copy of the DVD) will be for sale! Split the Pot! And Silent Auction!

We are really looking forward to this event and hope to see you all there!

Advance tickets are available at the Madison’s website:

Sponsored by:

Gray & Pape Inc.

Verona Vineyards

Frost Brown Todd LLC

In Memory of Bob Johnson


RH movie