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Posted by on November 7, 2016

Here it is, folks… THE SECOND TO LAST TALLY OF THE VOTES for the next Mayor of Rabbit Hash Kentucky!
YOU CAN STILL VOTE in person at the Rabbit Hash General Store and online at until approximately 8 pm tomorrow night!

Don’t despair if your candidate is behind. Many candidates hold back votes until the last possible second… so act now! Exercise your constitutional (sort of) right and VOTE for your choice of mayor!!!

Brynn: 1536
Bourbon: 1412
Lady: 500
Higgins: 354
Walter: 314
Bossy: 201
Stella: 156
Louis: 73
Izzac: 50

You are invited to our wrap up party with live music by The Cincinnati Dancing Pigs at The Rabbit Hash General Store tomorrow night from 7-8 pm, where the last votes will be cast and the New Mayor will be announced!


(Votes cast online AFTER 8 pm on Tuesday Nov. 8th will go into the RHGS restoration fund with all other votes, but will not be counted as votes towards any candidate).